Apr 29, 2024
Spirit of Louisiana Jazz Funeral and Second Line to bring much-needed catharsis and gratitude When Norman Dixon, Jr. received a phone call requesting that he serve as an authenticity advisor for the upcoming Spirit of Louisiana Jazz Funeral and Second Line, his voice cracked with emotion as he responded. The president of Young Men Olympian […]
Nov 7, 2023
When I first launched this blog in 2014, it was really an experiment in storytelling, and engaging a small community to join me on a mission to benefit a local Habitat for Humanity affiliate. It was part personal challenge, part fairy tale, and part “get on board or get out of the way” sheer determination […]
Aug 26, 2022
“Mom, pick up your phone,” the text read. “MOM CALL ME NOW!” Then my phone rang. It was my daughter, who was at work, about to greet a client, when her daughter texted her. “Mom, can you go get the girls at school? RIGHT NOW? Their school has received another gun threat.” Yes, she […]
Jan 13, 2022
or, How I landed my first advertising agency gig. In the mid ’80s, while still a student in college, I decided I didn’t want to wait until graduation to land my first copywriting job. I had amassed years of experience in the production department of a daily, then a weekly newspaper, with occasional feature writing. […]
Jul 30, 2021
Simone Biles has sent an important message to those who struggle with mental health–even superheroes can have fragile moments. And that’s okay.
May 31, 2020
I had a difficult time going to sleep last night, haunted by all that is happening in this so-called greatest country in the world. I want the violence to end. I want the virus to go away. I want peace and harmony and prosperity. But most of all, I want change.
Mar 24, 2020
Dear Extroverts: We’re now a little over a week into the COVID-19 induced isolation, and undoubtedly by now you extroverts are climbing the walls. You’ve missed out on family gatherings, parties, concerts and festivals, sporting events, hanging out with friends, shopping at the mall, dinner with your besties and more. Perhaps you even miss the […]
Feb 27, 2020
To # or not to #? Strategic use of hashtags can help guide your target audience to your messaging.
Jan 11, 2020
You are not the sum of your “likes.” When I was a child, our equivalent of social media was strolling around the neighborhood chatting with friends, a night at the movies or a trip to the skating rink. Long conversations on the telephone often meant grabbing a pillow and lying on the floor, tethered to […]
Mar 19, 2019
The recent “college admissions scam” is a reminder that there’s a big difference between wanting the best for your child and risking a lifetime of hard work and your reputation to deliver such. To that end, presented are a few thoughts for the parents who aren’t doing their children any favors by indulging them. Consider […]
Feb 4, 2019
Thank you, Who Dat Nation! We did it! Yesterday was an insanely cool celebration of resilience and resolve, with an estimated crowd of over 30,000 people coming out to be part of the Blackout & Gold Second Line Parade – Official, led by TBC Brass Band and Cha Wa, showing love for our New Orleans […]
Feb 3, 2019
In all of Saints history, there have been three moments that stand out as the most definitive. The first took place Sept. 25, 2006, when during the New Orleans’ Saints first home game following Katrina, Steve Gleason blocked a punt early in the first quarter of the game. Curtis Deloatch recovered the ball in the […]
Feb 2, 2019
Sunday, February 3, 2 – 4 pm There’s no fan like a New Orleans Saints fan! As we mourn the untimely ending to the season, we also celebrate what lies ahead–our boys in black & gold will be back with a vengeance! By fan request, we are pleased to present an official Blackout & Gold […]
Jan 28, 2019
It’s being reported that the NFL has declined requests for a replay of the final minutes of the NFC Championship game between the Los Angeles Rams and New Orleans Saints, stating such would cost over $100 million, and would necessitate rescheduling the Super Bowl. I respectfully disagree. Presented for your consideration is a plan that’s […]
Jan 26, 2019
So here’s a different perspective… You know who else got cheated when the L.A. Rams Nickell Robey-Coleman committed those malicious “no-call” fouls against the New Orleans Saints‘ Tommylee Lewis? His own teammates. Now, before you dismiss that, consider this: you’ve got an entire team of players who worked hard all year long to get to where they […]
Jan 22, 2019
Dear Mr. Goodell, Congratulations. The NFL is now the butt of many jokes, not only nationally, but internationally. The clip of the blatant and seemingly intentional helmet to helmet strike and pass interference committed by Nickell Robey-Coleman upon Tommylee Lewis during the NFC Championship game is being run, rerun and discussed on virtually every major […]
Jan 21, 2019
The internet’s abuzz with outrage over NFC Championship game referees’ failure to call blatant pass interference and helmet-to-helmet penalties, ultimately costing the New Orleans Saints a shot at Super Bowl LIII. It’s not just the fans. It’s the media. Let’s consider the evidence. And explore the possibilities. The play: It’s been documented by countless photos […]
Jan 20, 2019
Dear Drew, Sean and all of our New Orleans Saints, That sound you hear is the collective resonance of die hards’ hearts breaking throughout the city, the state, and yes, even throughout the nation. But it’s not what you think. There’s a good possibility you’ll have a sleepless night as you replay today’s game in […]
Dec 14, 2018
“Silence becomes cowardice when occasion demands speaking out the whole truth and acting accordingly.” ― Mahatma Gandhi Of all the gifts my parents have bestowed upon me during my life, without question, the greatest of these is this: integrity. It’s a word often tossed around without much thought about what it means—what it truly means—not […]
Jun 13, 2018
Dear America’s Got Talent, I’m feeling duped. I love your show. I really do. Seeing ordinary people who lead ordinary lives sharing talents that amaze us and stories that inspire us makes us believe that anything is possible. When we’re able to watch someone who has overcome the most difficult of circumstances, or who finds […]
May 11, 2018
Yesterday, a friend shared with me a story that concurrently broke my heart and infuriated me—that of her beautiful daughter’s superficial boss stating that if the young lady wanted to keep her job, she needed to lose weight. The boss—a woman—went on to say more things that are so cruel, so vicious that I can’t […]
Feb 19, 2018
When people share information that’s actually misinformation: how to avoid the internet scams. Social media can be a double edged sword. Sometimes it’s a convenient source of information, and a great way to share slices of life with family and friends. Other times, it can be a nightmare as people fall for scams, misleading and […]
Nov 17, 2017
It’s overwhelming to see the number of people—both men and women—who are now coming forth and sharing their stories about unwelcome sexual advances of the high powered politicians and Hollywood moguls for decades upon decades. And it’s also infuriating to see the victims of these crimes being blamed, or questioned for their motives (citing financial […]
Sep 26, 2017
One more post re the whole NFL/national anthem protest issue. Think about this, the very words during which some are locking arms and taking a knee: “And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that OUR FLAG WAS STILL THERE. Oh, say, does that star spangled banner yet […]
Jul 30, 2017
Finger pointers. We all know them. They’re the folks who navigate through life fumbling through mistakes and avoiding the repercussions. No matter what happens, it’s not their fault. It’s his. It’s hers. It’s someone else’s. It’s the result of an unfortunate childhood, faulty parenting or challenging life circumstances. It’s an unreasonable boss or an incompetent […]
Jul 6, 2017
For over 15 years, I’ve been immersed in the world of art and artists, including the conception, curation and execution of exhibitions. During that time, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting many extremely talented artists. I’ve also been witness to the less glamourous facets of art exhibitions, particularly those which are juried. While one would […]
Jul 3, 2017
Some people see challenges as opportunities to create drama. They’re the folks who go through life portraying themselves as perpetual victims, blaming others for their circumstances, however massive or trivial such may be. They share their tales of woe with anyone who will listen—or feign to listen—whether strangers or friends. And in an odd sort […]
Jul 1, 2017
Roger Staubach, Hall-of-Fame football player and former quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys, once stated, “There are no traffic jams along the extra mile.” It’s that road less traveled that passes by the doubters, the naysayers and the folks who have no intentions of looking beyond the status quo. It extends past the “that’s the way […]
May 29, 2017
Honoring the fallen As you stand amidst the undulating sea of red, white and blue, you see a young mother with small children, kneeling at a gravesite, her hand atop a tombstone and head bowed. You see parents weep openly at the site where their child has been laid to rest, far too soon. You’ll […]
Mar 30, 2017
“Can I buy you a cup of coffee? I’d like to pick your brain.” It’s an inquiry that many creative professionals hear countless times every week. Much like artists, musicians and chefs who frequently are asked to donate their talents for a myriad of great causes, those who provide creative services such as advertising, marketing, […]
Mar 22, 2017
It’s one of the world’s premier events for entrepreneurs. New Orleans has been hailed as one of the most creative cities in the world, and deemed by Inc. magazine as the “Coolest Startup City in America.” The latter is just one of many titles bestowed upon the Crescent City, joining a long list of honors […]
Mar 8, 2017
There’s a change in the air, and it’s electrifying. Today is International Women’s Day, and all month long we are celebrating Women’s Empowerment Month. It’s probably safe to predict that 2017 will be the Year of the Woman. In 2016, we celebrated the nomination of a female as the Democratic candidate in the Presidential election–nearly a […]
Feb 12, 2017
When my siblings and I were growing up, “Please” and “Thank you” were mandatory parts of our vocabulary. On the rare occasions we asked for a favor, or assistance, never, ever, would we have done so without the former of the two pleasantries. And when someone did something nice for us, gratitude was second […]
Jan 24, 2017
“Art is a nation’s most precious heritage. For it is in our works of art that we reveal to ourselves and to others the inner vision which guides us as a nation. And where there is no vision, the people perish.” –Lyndon Johnson, on signing into existence the National Endowment for the Arts Dear […]
Jan 16, 2017
In memory of a leader who made the world a better place.
Jan 11, 2017
I find it concurrently intriguing and baffling how two people can read the same news or social media post and interpret it in entirely different ways. There has never been a greater example of such than the recent presidential election and the polarization which has followed, including the most recent “Meryl Streep vs. Donald […]
Dec 15, 2016
Dear AT&T, I think it’s time for me to break up with you. I’ve tried to stick it out, really I have. But this latest report of data breaches, the need to change passwords and your impossibly unfriendly website, plus lengthy yet futile conversations with your service reps have left me quite weary. So it’s […]
Nov 13, 2016
Where has all the kindness gone? The past year has been filled with so much sadness, anger and divisiveness—no need to detail such here—and I think that many people have forgotten how important it is to simply be kind to one another, even when they disagree. Civility costs nothing, and respect is everything. I think […]
Nov 10, 2016
Dear America, Stop it. Just stop it. To the Hillary Clinton supporters who are part of the riots including violence and vandalism, stop it. I get that you’re upset and angry and scared. I understand the depths of your despair and your concerns about what this means for America’s future. But breaking storefront windows and […]
Nov 9, 2016
If there are a few lessons we’ve learned from this election, it’s that we should never say never. For the first time in history, we saw an opportunity to vote for a woman representing one of the two primary parties. We saw a man who never held public office running for the highest office in […]
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